Sunday, February 21, 2010

Easy & Yummy Pork Chop Recipe!

When it was just my husband and I, I had all the free time and money to explore with new recipes no matter what it called for or how long it took. Now that I am a new mommy and time and money have become and issue I have had to manage a little better. I found this awesome recipe that is very simple, easy and fast. I served it with green beans and a wild rice. I started cooking the green beans and rice before I started on the main dish.,1727,151170-225196,00.html

The only thing I added was before I browned the pork chops I sprinkled both sides with salt/pepper/and cajun seasoning.

My husbands comments on this was that it was simply delicious! and that it was one of the best meals we have had since my son was born (3 months ago!) This will def. be cooked more often. I hope you enjoy and if you try and and make your own changes...please let me know how it turns out because I may want to try it too!


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